lunedì 27 dicembre 2010

Chasing the enemy

“It is very simple. Just watch your mind for a few days and see what is the thing that takes most of your energy: jealousy? lust for power? ego? Just watch whatever takes most of your energy, and you will find what is your chief characteristic, and that it is your number one enemy; and you have always thought that that is your number one friend.

“Somebody may find greed, somebody may find anger, somebody may find repressed sexuality, somebody may find an inferiority complex or a superiority complex — it does not matter what it is. Finding it is almost half the victory. And only you can find it out.

“Just put down in your diary for seven days, noting every day what it is that takes most of your time, what it is that becomes your fantasy most of the time, where your energy always moves readily. Just watching for seven days, noting in your notebook, you can find your own chief characteristic…and this finding is half the victory. It gives you a great strength, that you know the enemy.

Step 2: When the Enemy Attacks....
“The second part is very simple: now be aware of it. When the enemy attacks, don't react. When it comes, you just remain cool. Just watch it, as if something is passing on the screen, and you have nothing to do with it.

“If you can remain detached, unaffected, suddenly a great energy will be released which was contained in your enemy, which you were putting into that enemy every day.
“You were watering it, you were caring about it. If anybody pointed at it, you were very angry; you protected it in every possible way. You gave all kinds of rationalizations. Now you are simply watching. All that energy is simply released. You will feel revitalized. Your whole being suddenly becomes new.

Step 3: Rout ‘Em All Out!
“Then go on looking for the enemy number two, the enemy number three, because you have to finish all the enemies.

“The day you don’t have any enemy left in your mind, you have a grace, a beauty, and a great energy that blossoms in thousands of flowers.”


My first enemy is jeaulosy, lust and sexual desire... it will be a hard fight :))

sabato 18 dicembre 2010

L'acqua del fiume (Biagio Marin)

L'acqua del fiume
senpre la score
in dute l'ore
con un diverso lume.

Ninte xe fermo
né sosta e resta:
trascore lesta
l'ora del zorno infermo.

No' sta voltate indrio,
senpre camina;
fa senpre matina
dopo la note de Dio.

Godi nel pinsier
che duto e niente more,
che drento l'ore
ogni to passo xe lisier.

giovedì 16 dicembre 2010


Virtue without meditation is an imposition, a forced imposition. 
Virtue without meditation is repressive. 
Virtue without meditation is pseudo. 
Virtue without meditation is just a facade: you can deceive others, but how can you deceive yourself? 
With meditation there arises a totally different kind of virtue: a natural virtue, a spontaneous virtue.

Easy to say, hard everyday..

lunedì 13 dicembre 2010

venerdì 10 dicembre 2010

giovedì 2 dicembre 2010


oggi ho fatto una presentazione ai Grandi Capi.
Ero preparato, ma quando si va a presentare un progetto per i prossimi dieci anni, un cambiamento radicale di processi e metodi, tutto può andare storto.
E invece è andato benissimo. Complimenti e applausi. Battute e sorrisi.

E lo vedo il mio ego tutto tronfio, che si riempie delle lusinghe.
E il vederlo mi fa ripensare a questa poesia di Ella che ho appena letto:

It is easy enough to be pleasant, 
When life flows by like a song,
But the man worth while is one who will smile, 
When everything goes dead wrong.

Se scompare l'ego si può continuare a sorridere anche nei giorni in cui tutti ti insultano.

where's the difference?

Do you know what a jew, an afro american, a native american and a mexican are doing at a bus stop?
They are waiting the bus.

When you make a difference you miss the point. When I divide I am lost.

So many Gods, so many creeds, 
So many paths that wind and wind, 
When just the art of being kind 
Is all this sad world needs. 


"We must become the change we want to see in the world".
-Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

must, want... this is will...
when you want something you also get the opposite..
it's when you don't want that you get it all...

we will become the change right in the moment that we change...
it is not necessary to pursue a change...

change happens when you let it in...