martedì 2 novembre 2010

My meditation

The Resolution

When: At night
Duration: 10 minutes

Step 1: Inhale and Repeat...
“Gently, very slowly, allow your lungs to fill completely, and as you do so, repeat to yourself whatever it is that you want to introduce into your life, e.g. ‘I will experience meditation.’

Step 2: Hold Your Breath and Repeat...
“When your lungs are completely filled, hold your breath for a while and repeat ‘I will experience meditation.’ You may get nervous, you will feel like exhaling, but still holding your breath repeat, ‘I will experience meditation.’

Step 3: Exhale and Repeat...
“Now slowly start exhaling, again repeating, ‘I will experience meditation.’ Keep exhaling until you feel you are empty, and repeating ‘I will experience meditation.’

Step 4: Empty, Repeat...
“Now, feeling absolutely empty, hold this emptiness, don’t inhale; and repeat ‘I will experience meditation” as often as you can.

Step 5: Inhale...
“Now slowly begin to inhale. So one in breath and one out breath is one round.

Step 6: Rest
“After doing this five times, straighten your back, breathe slowly, sit quietly, your body loose and relaxed, with eyes closed for five minutes.

“‘I will experience silence, I will experience meditation. I am determined that I will experience meditation.’ Let your whole being take this oath — that it will enter into meditation. Let your whole being resound with it. This should reach the innermost layer of your consciousness.

“During this rest period, whatever resolution you have made will sink deeper inside you. Make the resolution five times. Then sitting quietly, watch your breath for five minutes, taking slow breaths.

“When you go to bed repeat this exercise five to seven times, as long as you feel comfortable. Then fall asleep thinking, ‘I will be in silence — this is my aim.’ When sleep envelops you, that thought is with you. Then switch off the light.

“If you exhale completely, if you stop yourself from inhaling, what happens? If I exhale completely and then pinch my nose shut and do not inhale, what will happen? In a little while won’t my total being struggle to inhale? Won’t every pore of my body and those millions of cells scream for air? The longer I try to hold my breath, the deeper the longing for air is going to spread in my unconscious mind. The longer I hold my breath, the more the innermost part of my being is going to ask for air. It is not a simple question anymore; the top layer is not the only one affected; now it has become a question of life and death. Now the deeper layers, the layers underneath are also going to demand air.

"In that moment, when you reach a state where your whole being is gasping for air, you should repeat to yourself, ‘I am going to experience meditation’.... Your body will ask for air and your mind will repeat this thought. The stronger the demand for air is, the deeper your decision will enter inside. If your whole being is struggling and you repeat this sentence, your resolution increases many times over. In this way it reaches to your unconscious mind."

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